Monthly Archives: August 2012

Hello world!

Hello!  Welcome to my Blog!

My name is Virgo Vermeil and I am The Steampunk Stylist and Thriftumer of steampunk cosplay in Edmonton.

I have a knack for personal shopping, thrifting, upcycling and gathering bits and bobs to make your steampunk persona ***shine***.

Don’t have a persona? That’s no problem either. I have a real talent for helping you to sort through multiverses, and fashion eras, and movie characters, and well everything you have experienced and imagined, all to help the Steampunk in you to emerge, thrive and play!

Haven’t the foggiest of notions what it is to be Steampunk? Not sure why anyone would want to wear thrifted clothes? Persona? What is that?Upcycle? What? What? I beg your pardon!?

Calm yourself. I will explain as we go.

And, Welcome to my World,

Virgo Vermeil