Category Archives: Uncategorized

What would you like to know about steampunk?

Please feel free to ask me specific questions on my Facebook page ‘Virgo Vermeil Steampunk Stylist’ as needed for quick responses.
I welcome your general questions as well, and will be posting more comprehensive blog entries on various background concepts relating to the world of steampunk.
I anticipate a lot of conversations, so please jump in where you are!
Thanks in advance,

On the Most Happy Occasion of Today…

I wish all my Steamerpunks a splendid day,
but an especially special wish for splendiferosity in all of today’s amusements to all my fellow Mothers of Invention,
who teach, model, inspire and nurture creativity in us all.
Much love.

Why Do I Thrift?



Each photo shows $40 dollars worth of stuff.
From the same day. So all that stuff with 40 bucks worth of gold trim from Little India could be a wicked persona…then the rest of your budget can be spent on custom crafted unique art pieces from your local Steampunk community or someone from around the world. And you will never walk into a con and meet your doppelganger. You are dressing up as the ‘you’ you’ve always wanted to be. Great idea right?
Put me to work for you or come with me and I’ll show you how!








A ton of awesome stuff that I can afford to embellish and mod!
I can do it for you too!

By Request:The Brown Cloche Hat -bigbig because of new Gatsby movie…










Please inform me if I can scoop any one of these up for you.
A mere 25% of cost is my fee.

Hello world!

Hello!  Welcome to my Blog!

My name is Virgo Vermeil and I am The Steampunk Stylist and Thriftumer of steampunk cosplay in Edmonton.

I have a knack for personal shopping, thrifting, upcycling and gathering bits and bobs to make your steampunk persona ***shine***.

Don’t have a persona? That’s no problem either. I have a real talent for helping you to sort through multiverses, and fashion eras, and movie characters, and well everything you have experienced and imagined, all to help the Steampunk in you to emerge, thrive and play!

Haven’t the foggiest of notions what it is to be Steampunk? Not sure why anyone would want to wear thrifted clothes? Persona? What is that?Upcycle? What? What? I beg your pardon!?

Calm yourself. I will explain as we go.

And, Welcome to my World,

Virgo Vermeil